Sunday, May 8, 2011
just came back home from watching a movie " the fast and furious 5" with rox nn LK. rox kept kept KEPT on commenting on "the rock" (i seriously have no idea whats his real name) sweating. i was like "if i cld sweat that much nn still look that good, i'll be sweating an ocean for the rest of my life!" the show had a good mix of explosives, hot girls, hot buff guys (two EXTREMELY buff guys may i add ^.^), hot guys, car racing, innovative plans! just not enough car racing for me though.. fast nn furious 4 had more car racing which was like totally for me! i love car racing shows, hence my all-time fav show is initial-D. i gotta watch it at least once a year! its funny how i like boy stuff cause the other day me nn one of my guy friend saw this guy controlling this mini toy controlled car nn i commented "HOW COOL IS THAT MAN!" nn he looked at me strangely nn said " this is the first time i heard a girl say that cars r cool!" i mean how uncool can cars be! i wld seriously like to try car racing, that is if my mom wld let me. nn motor cycling,archery,house riding nn many more! sssooo... some guy things that i totally like. 1) i like playing starcraft! actually i dont just like, i TOTALLY adore!!! though im not that good at playing it, i like to watch ppl play though (my brother thinks im weird not wanting to play but liking other ppl play) nn my criteria for my future bf (if any) is that he must be good at playing starcraft!! LOL 2) like car racing movies nn cars in general ( though i have no idea whats the diff between a hondai nn mitsubishi!) 3)like to play/watch video games 4) like constructing stuff from scratch like building my own wooden shelf nn stuff. nnn many more. super tired now so shall stop here. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHERS!! XP especially to my darling mom, i cannot say more about my love for her man! my mom ruless!! like the entire world! xp